Meet the Team Associates

Meet our Associate

 Christina Wilks 
Associate Case Manager

I had always wanted to be a nurse and to look after and care for people. This led me into domicialiary support work for the elderly, which I enjoyed. I then saw a position advertised for a support worker at a specialist educational college for children with complex needs, and so began working with brain injured children and their parents.

I remember my first day so clearly and knew I had come to the right job.

I was involved in setting up a team and found this bringing a group together and supporting them so appealing. It was like second nature for me. My approach is holistic and this experience taught me a lot about running complex care packages.

I've learnt a lot from colleagues along the way, most notably Akilah Akinola, who is CEO of Outreach community and Residential Services; and Christine Morren, who was the college nurse and really inspired me, not least with her sensitive use of language to promote dignity when supporting a client.

A good case manager needs to be a good listener for sure, and to be empathetic enough to understand how hard things can be for clients, and also for their families. I feel that honesty in managing expectations is extremely important, with both clients and their families, as is supporting parents in a non-judgemental way.

View Christina's CV

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