Some terms explained

Glossary of Terms

We know that our industry uses a lot of terms specific to it that you may not have come across before, and that understanding its jargon and industry-specific terms can be somewhat bewildering to people who don't work in Case Management. Whilst we try to keep jargon to a minimum on this website and in our communications with clients and their families, there are some phrases and terms that we have to use to explain how we can help people living with an acquired brain injury. Below are a few meanings that we hope you may find useful.

  • Capacity: a person's mental capicity is their ability to make decisions based on their understanding of situations, options and consequences that are available. If a person is judged not to have mental capacity then the law in England requires that any decisions made on the person's behalf must be made after considering their 'best interests'.

  • When a person loses their ability to make the right decisions, which can happen as the result of a Traumatic Brain Injury, then because of their loss of mental capacity, sometimes family, or sometimes medical professionals, can make decisionon the imapaired person's behalf. When the power to make decisions over their lives is removed in this way, then the person's Best interests must be dominate the choices made. 

  • Care plan: xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx

  • Case Management: xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxxx

  • Case Manager: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Consent: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • CQC: xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx
    • Deputy: a Deputy is someone who has been appointed by the Court Of Protection to manage the finances of a client who doesn't have the necessary levels of mental capcity in order for them to be able to run their finances themselves.
    • Expert Witness: xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxxx
    • Occupational Therapyxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxxx
    • Personal Care: xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx
  • Rehabilitation: the term rehabilitaion (it is sometimes shortened to 'rehab') referrs toactions taken to restore someone to as close as possible to their original heralth and abilities following an illness, or acquired brain injury.

  • Rehabilitation Programme: xxxxxx xxxxxxx

  • Supported Independent Living: xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxxx
    • Support Worker: a Support Worker is someone who provides healthcare assistance to a person who needs care, whether this is for their mental or physical wellbeing.  
    • Traumatic Brain Injury: a Traumatic Brain Injury is an injury to the brain caused by an external force - like from an impact or a blow. These injuries may be only temporary, but it is not uncommon for them to be permenant and so greatly affect the sufferer.

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